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About us

Our Mission

Is designed to Reach, Restore, Rebuild, and Release people to society with the resources and tools to begin on a new path that ultimatley is their Destiney.

Our Purpose

        The purpose of God’s Hands is to reach men, women, and families where they are. The goal is to restore their faith, and rebuild their relationship with God, family and the community.

        Our aim is to help our clients grow by acquiring an education and core values through a system of mentoring in order to be productive and accountable citizens.


Our Services

  • Training and Workshops: Health, nutrition, and cooking. Self-awareness and coping skills groups to enhance the core values of purposeful living and citizenship responsibilities and therapeutic art(for adults and children.)

  • Angel Tree and Prison Fellowship serves incarcerated parents by providing a pathway for strengthening and restoring their relationships with their children by collaborating with local churches and community organizations, such as Gods Hands Cultural Home Ministries. Who in-turn develops relationships with children of the incarcerated who receive a gift and the Gospel message each Christmas. 


  • Community Relationships: Interaction with community residents and development of strong ties within faith-based ministries by participation in various services and events.

Future Goal

     Our goal looking forward is to provide housing assistance for men, women, and families into safe, affordable housing with a view to helping those re-entering society and community from the prison system.

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